Day 33
August 19, 2010
At last I climb out of the fantastic lunacy of the proverbial rabbit hole. Alice’s journey has been my own , I now see. Unfortunately, Johnny Depp aka The Madhatter wasn’t available to accompany this Alice through cancer wonderland. How a journey with him would’ve been so much more entertaining and so much more fun. As you may have read in ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies,’ I’ve had to create unfathomable joy in the midst of madness without the company of an entertaining entourage. I’ve created quite the escapade it seems. I am, however, enormously thankful to be departing cancer wonderland. I wonder why I was ever here?
After more than 1500 days of the American medical community insisting the breast cancer in my body was either, “severe,” “serious,” “lethal” or “terminal,” recent comprehensive cancer markers tell a different story. After only a two weeks of treatment at the Malaysian Ozone Hospital, a number of cancer markers, (not only for breast cancer), are so low, so below any standard measure of cancer, one cannot help but wonder what cancer wonderland really is and why it entered my life five years ago. Wonderland indeed! You readers who have read ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies’ experienced what I endured, how I triumphed, over and over again, against wild odds, with love, power and relentless resolve. My question now is unadorned: was my journey into the Red Queen’s wonderland realm NECESSARY? Or was I thrown into the brutal madness of “off with their breasts” simply because that’s the cruel rule of the Red Queen’s wonderland?
Evidence for those of you determined on questioning my trip is ample. MRIs, Pet Scans and CScans showed what was considered by conventional American oncology a third-stage tumor in my right breast and much more, purportedly. Two separate breast biopsies confirmed highly differentiated cancerous cells (although the nurses and I thought the tissue samples looked much more like fibrous tissue), of a low-grade growth rate and low malignancy code. Since only one American pathologist reviewed the original tissue, who knows how cancerous the tissue in fact was. Now I must ask why a medical professional didn’t explain to me that the cancer detected was not life-threatening and or that is was very slow growing abnormal cancerous tissue? Why wasn’t the tissue tested immediately for hormonal status, which again would’ve confirmed a more precise treatment protocol. Instead I was told my cancer would double in size every three months and burst through my breast. Cancer wonderland cruel rules school, I guess.
Only in the fall of 2007 did purported “lung mets” appear. No one would ever adequately test either 10 millimeter nodule with a biopsy or markers to determine whether or not those nodules were beyond doubt cancerous or even a spread of the original cancer. Pet Scans since 2006, when I first had to fight with an oncologist for one, showed SUVs (Standard Uptake Value is the measure of how active the cancerous cells are) of no more than 2.4. Anything above 2.5, according to oncological radiology is considered malignant. SUVs below 2.5 are viewed as “indolent” or “benign.” Yet, three oncologists and three alternative physicians concurred the wonderland story that not only did I have third stage breast cancer, but by 2007 I had become terminal, with lung lesions and a disease that now “would simply declare itself” or ravage my body any moment. Wonderland indeed!
It gets better. I was told by numerous physicians not only did I have to have both breasts removed, receive eight months of dose dense chemotherapy and probably six months of radiation, and remove ALL my female organs, but that then I would have to remain on hormonal therapy (very liver toxic) for the rest of my life in addition to facing numerous reconstructive breast surgeries. I decided to fight fire with water and pursued every high quality natural treatment available, successfully, very successfully, until last year. And so, with a breast acting strangely I found a true wonderland in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Here in Malaysia I have found what my own intuition, my dear loves and a number of energy healers told me time and again: the cancer I had was minimal, required non-invasive, non-toxic, less-invasive attention and was intimately linked to another core underlying issue: a weakened immune system. As you readers of ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies’ know, I consented to mini-chemo because I was so pressured, only to find my life hanging in the balance after only two months of alternative “treatment,” or Insulin Potentiation Therapy. From that moment onward only natural means have been my choice, come what may. Once I believed in the American medical community’s ability to diagnosis. Now I do not. Now I believe western medicine, practiced in America or anywhere that follows that model, to be the worst nightmare of the Red Queen’s wonderland ever imagined. Sadly I write this truth. I was a pre-med major in college as well as a Dean’s List student. I believed in science. What I experienced of the western medical model was not science. It was the Red Queen’s worst wonderland. How I wish my experience had been different.
Is it possible that had I been able to find the treatment modalities available here at MOH five years ago, I would’ve saved hundreds of thousands of dollars, my Santa Fe home and many close, significant relationships? Highly probable. Is it possible that what my body told me time and again: less invasive, non-toxic and compassionate treatment was the only accurate treatment was accurate? Highly probable. Is it possible my initial and all following diagnoses were somehow incomplete or misleading? Highly probable. In fact, based on what the compassionate and authentic physicians believe here, I could’ve been cured long ago. Can you imagine how different my life, the experience of cancer or any illness would’ve been? All anyone had to do was scientifically review what was happening in my body, what my medical history had been, and then scientifically address with the best non-invasive healing modalities available, not only breast cancer, but underlying immune-depilating pathogens that had allowed dis/ease to take hold in my body as early as 1993. And the design a treatment protocol that easily, quickly and most efficiently cleansed my body by the most natural means possible. Imagine medicine delivering a standard of care that eradicated disease instead of only treating symptoms! Imagine that this compassionate care, bio-specific to your body, your condition and your disease, was also covered by insurance, or even better yet free because the majority of treatment components where derived from Gaia! The good news is that MOH is a dramatic step in that direction. MOH practiced true, scientific medicine and is delivering as bio-specific and natural healing as possible. I thank God/dess every moment of the day for my good fortune, and yet, I wonder still: why should true medicine be good fortune? True medicine and personal choice are our birthright.
Unfortunately, the paradigm shift has not yet occurred, and still I must search the earth for this simple birthright, choose my personal best and pay for it still. Yet I am grateful to even have found what is possible in a wonderland of true medicine. My personal best for treatment is a protocol, like all others before it, that is based on nature, natural compounds and life-affirming modalities. However, I truly believe that once completed this treatment will restore my health for life. Yes, a green life is wondrous too, and always I will embrace it as my most authentic lifestyle. But in my case, and I venture to guess in the case of 99% of humanity who suffer a serious illness, MOH’s brilliant intervention was NECESSARY. You ready for true wonderland? I know I am.
Early in my visit, as you may have read in my earlier posts, it was apparent my body required profound rebuilding and support. As you know, in the last two years, regardless of life-affirming and beautiful protocols, stress had taken a devastating toll and I was able to only follow my protocols about 50%. Daily at MOH I was gifted detoxifying and cleansing and cellular and tissue repair support chosen specifically for my body, my condition, and my healing. Modalities included everything from stem cell treatment to monumental doses of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals – in whatever form worked best for my body. As you know from my earlier post, these early weeks were not always effortless. Now beyond those trying moments, I can say thank you: they were NECESSARY.
Over the past ten days I’ve graduated to the addition of medical ozone therapy in the form of RHP ™ (Recirculatory Haemoperfusion) and an alkaloid anti-cancerous compound called Ukrain, neither of which are available in the United States or many countries for reasons only the Red Queen (“Off with their breasts!”) can tell you. RHP ™ was chosen because it is the most effective medical ozone method to cleanse the blood. Frankly, my blood was too toxic and my pathogen load too high – both probably from damage done to my body from mini-chemo almost five years ago and from the massive stress of the past two years! We couldn’t kill cancer cells (tumor lysis releases toxins into the blood) with the substance chosen (which does show some indication of toxicity, but nothing MOH cannot address immediately) without first extensively cleaning my blood. Pristine blood supports your liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and other organs of toxin release. RHP ™ is the highest grade medical ozone treatment available in the world today. Only highly trained medical professionals can administer RHP ™ although its true beauty lay in its seeming simplicity. Many physicians who have been trained to administer RHP ™ however can study years to understand it’s intricate yet simple beauty.
As you know oxygen is NECESSARY for life on Earth. Ozone, investigated medically for more than 200 years, is a trioxygen, a less stable, naturally occurring triatomic oxygen molecule, that when used correctly acts as potent anti-oxidant. Ozone, as you may know, is used by many progressive countries to purify their water supply. Ozone kills all hostile micro-organic growth. Anaerobic organisms, viruses and other less stable pathogens and other cellular organisms are rendered inert with a simple reactive single oxygen molecule (O1) that splits off from original ozone (O3) to form regular oxygen (O2) and a wild-child molecule (O1). While this chemical reaction is far more complex and involves some very lovely biochemistry, O1 loves to bump up against weakened cellular membranes. Most hostile micro-organic cell membranes are weak by nature. As O1 bumps up against these less life-affirming organisms they burst open and die. Yes, that includes viruses, which the western medical model assures can never be killed or removed from your body. Yet aren’t these same pathogens somehow removed from operating rooms, water supplies, industrial areas and other “spaces” by the use of applied medical grade ozone? Same the use of ozone for water purification: why does it work there? Medical ozone or RHP ™ (I don’t consider the many other forms and uses of ozone medical) cleanses the blood, helps build new red and white blood cells, activates and empowers the immune system, including tumor necrosis factor and many other cellular and systemic anti-cancer immune components, and removes hostile micro-organisms and other bodily toxins.
Unlike other forms of ozone use, RHP™ is a highly specialized technique of treating all of your blood with medical ozone. My blood (700 milliliters of blood only leaves the body at one time) is first drawn from a large caliber vein through the use of a medical pump. My blood then filters through a micro-filter which filters removes a whole plethora of unwanted nasties. My blood is then bathed in medical grade ozone at a concentration chosen specifically for my body, at a rate specifically chosen for my body. This newly refreshed and ozonated blood is re-perfused into my body. Painless, relaxing and ultimately massively detoxifying, the process can continue for up to three hours. Usually for me the treatment now takes about an hour. What is so beautiful and simple about this treatment is that you feel great while doing it because your body feels instantly the discharge of a colossal burden, and you feel even better after! You cannot imagine how unburdened my body feels each time we do an RHP ™ treatment. Think about this true wonderland treatment: during my treatment, repeated usually every seven days, filtered, purified and enriched blood is returned to my body, relieving and rebuilding my organs, and the rejuvenation process continues for up to six months!!! RHP ™ is a wondrous medical ozone modality which reverses, or eliminates, chronic and acute illness, in a non-stressful manner, at a surprisingly low cost.
How do I know this treatment is effective, beyond how I feel and how my markers and other tests will attest? Alice has learned a lot these past five years in cancer wonderland. The western scientific community is feverishly pursuing the reformulation, patenting and sale of “redox signaling molecules,” molecules that are produced and activated by your cell’s mitochondria, or powerhouse/engine. (In fact, a product called Asea ® already is available for consumption that claims to deliver these NECESSARY molecules.) As we age, these molecules, responsible for precise cellular, immune and other system communication, and for the activation of anti-oxidants necessary to protect the cell membrane, either lower in volume or efficiency. (Recent scientific studies also indicate more than 60% of Americans suffer from some level of mitochondrial dysfunction that affects the balanced production of these invaluable redox signaling molecules.) In many ways, medical ozone therapy, or in my opinion, RHP ™, works in a similar but much more effective, less oxidative, less stressful and more enhancing manner in the body. However, you cannot patent ozone, but you can patent and Asea® has patented, these precious redox signaling wonders. Is this why ozone, like many organic, natural therapies gifted to us by God/dess, has been suppressed in countries committed to the cruel rule of the Red Queen? Makes one wonder.
Many brilliant minds have long experimented with medical ozone with astonishing results. Tesla was just one in a long history of luminous scientists who saw the medicinal properties and possibilities of ozone. In fact, according to an abstract from the German Clinical Ozone Therapy Manual entitled, "The Use of Ozone in Medicine": "Ozone has been found to be an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side effects. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, comprising a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number which represents the incredibly low rate of .000007%, and only four fatalities, which were all attributed to operator error. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised." WOW. True wonderland Alice.
Onward to the anti-cancer treatment I currently am prescribed in true wonderland: Ukrain. Because this blog is quite extensive already, I will say only that Ukrain has been shown to selectively and effectively kills cancer cells, leaving other cells unharmed, and exhibits a small degree of potential toxicity. If you have additional interest in this compound, please refer to current literature (which is written to appease the Red Queen and her cruel rule of law) at and to an older article written by Ralph Moss, PHD, one of alternative cancer treatments most thorough investigators and advocates at Here’s a bit from Moss’s article: “Ukrain has been tested against 60 different human cancer cell lines at the National Cancer Institute. In practically all cell lines a 100 percent growth inhibition was found.” Ukrain, like any less-invasive, less toxic treatment should’ve been available to me five years ago, thoroughly investigated, funded and clinically tried. But you know the Red Queen’s cruel rule: only her chosen compounds are supported, insured and available. Had I not experienced the colossal stress I did the last eighteen months, Ukrain would not be NECESSARY now and my pure lifestyle, along with RHP ™ treatment would’ve been enough to cure cancer. Magnificent news is that since so little cancer actually exists in my body, little Ukrain, we trust, will be NECESSARY.
How do I feel as I exit, for once and for all, the wonderland of cancer? I feel amazingly serene, happy and renewed. If you have ever fallen down the rabbit hole of western medicine, you know exactly how I feel. All you want is out of the pain, the terror, the horror, forever. All you want is to be healthy again, never again to feel the mayhem of dis/ease or the purported treatment prescribed. All you want is your life again, whole, full, happy and contented. All you want is peace, love and joy, without a twinkling of a thought of the dreaded Red Queen and her army of death-merchants. All you want is to regain all you have lost in that horrible dream called cancer wonderland. I feel now I am achieving a dream, finally, after working hard, long and with too little reward. I feel extraordinary mi amours. I truly do. I am being liberated from cancer wonderland and entering true wonderland. How else could I feel?
Friends I will leave you today with some important questions you must ask yourself. Do you know what your hostile pathogenic and toxic load is? Do you have a way to scientifically measure and remove those dis/ease instigating nasties from your body, from your life, and from your bliss? Do you know the exact state of your physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being? Do you have entrée to true whole being medicine and do you utilize it? Do you know what you don’t know? Do you know how much you do don’t know? I ask these “wondering” questions because I must ask myself: what happened in my life? Why did cancer wonderland happen and how can I ensure on every level that I will only experience love, health, abundance and bliss for the rest of my tenure here on Gaia? I know I must address these questions from every aspect of being. I know I must embrace the true wonderland of being whole, alive and in love, moment to moment, breath to breath. I know I must uncover any facet of my life that doesn’t support my greatest, deepest good and forever release it from my life.
I ask you, in good health, in great being, and with an open heart to do the same for yourself, your family and your loved ones. We all deserve to be our best, moment to moment, breath to breath. Allow yourself to open to your truth now and be the magnificent being you are. Hey, our bodies, our souls, our beings are a true wonderland. Let’s treasure that truth and affirm it with every breath. Until I communicate again from true wonderland: love and forgive all and yourself in celebration of Ramadhan. You are a divine child of God/dess, a brilliant and beauteous light in our world. Stay exactly as you are: loved and beloved always in the heart of the truest wonderland ~ the wonderland of love.
Gratitude and grace,
Ani Kaspar