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Cannabis Articles and Links

Cancer Cured: A Cannabis Story

Weed is Making  Comeback as Good Medicine

Medical Marijuana - 10 Health Benefits

Leaf - Another good video on the use of cannabis for cancer treatment

3 Year Old Child's Brain Cancer Cured by Medical Marijuana

Run From the Cure - Learn about Rick Simpson's Medical Hemp Oil story

Make the Medicine - Great article on hemp oil and how to make cancer medicine 

When We Grow - Excellent movie on the uses and importance of hemp

Antitumor Effects of Cannabinoids - Jeffrey Hergenrather

Cannabis Success for COPD

Cannabis for COPD?

Juicing cannabis - Excellent article

Cannabis Root Uses - Excellent article on the historical and current uses of cannabis root

Dr David Allen Explains the Benefits of Medical Cannabis

Beginner`s Guide to the Endocannabinoid System