Dr. Ladd McNamara, Author of "The Cholesterol Conspiracy" believes in improving health through superior pharmaceutical grade nutrition from Usana Health Sciences. Visit his blog to learn more.
thedoctorwithin.com - An Alternative perspective on synthetic supplements and why they may put us at risk
http://curezone.com Excellent Site for oxygen therapy/ozone information, cleansing, forums, discussion groups - Educating not Medicating
Excellent thesis on the function and treatment of the Gall Bladder - Long but well worth the read if you're having digestion problems.
http://www.energybalancing.com/ An overview of Energy Balancing based on Chinese Medicine and a few good treatments for the most abundant illnesses on the planet.
Dr Mercola Interviews Dr Robert Rowen - Fabulous interview with one of the fathers of medical freedom about the beginnings of legal alternative or complementary medicine and a whole lot more.
Dr Robert Rowen demonstrates the connection between teeth and body pain.
Excellent Video on the suppression of a simple, inexpensive treatment for a myriad of dis-eases - Vitamin C has been researched more than any vitamin or drug yet still remains officially blackballed by the medical establishment worldwide except in New Zealand.
http://www.emofree.com/ Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique - free downloads of the manual and great information